The Munch & Move program and the Good for Kids team offer free training and professional development to early childhood services in HNELHD.
The Munch & Move e-Learning program is a free, self-paced online training program designed for Educators. If you have at least one person who has completed the Munch & Move e-Learning Program at your service you will gain access to a suite of free resources, menu and policy reviews, and tailored support from a local Health Promotion Officer.
Your service can gain access to the Munch & Move Staff Development Kit, after one of your staff members' completes the Munch & Move e-Learning Program. This kit can be used to train multiple staff members at once.
The Munch & Move program recommends at least 50% of the Educators in each Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) service complete either the Munch & Move e-Learning Program or Staff Development Kit.
The Good for Kids team delivered an interactive webinar on Fussy Eating for ECEC Staff, in July 2022. A recorded version is now available. You can use this recording as a professional development activity for individual staff training or for group training.
The webinar covers:
- A definition of fussy eating
- Strategies to support fussy eating
- Examples of role modelling healthy eating
- Actions for taking a whole service approach
To access the webinar, click here. The link will take you through a step-by-step instruction to access the webinar, reflection document and certificate for participation.
Click here for the Good for Kids team’s suite of resources relating to fussy eating in ECEC.
The Good for Kids team delivered this workshop to services via zoom in May 2021. The recording now available as a professional development resource for Educators.
The workshop covers:
- The Munch & Move key message ‘get active each day’
- The Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years (Birth to 5 years)
- The 13 fundamental movement skills
The recording is split into three sections - see below.
Before watching the sessions, print out the handouts so that you can complete them alongside each session.
The Small Bites for Big Steps was created by Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) and is designed to provide educators, families and carers with bite sized information on children's healthy development in their First 2000 days through on-demand videos and professional development courses.
Click here to visit the Small Bites for Big Steps website.
Thank you NSLHD for these great resources.
One of the Munch & Move practice areas for services is to have 50% of staff complete training in healthy eating and physical activity. We have created this fillable PDF for services to help keep a documented log of their Munch & Move training.
Once you believe your service has met the practice area, you can email your professional development record to your allocated health promotion officer.