How we work with Early Childhood Services
What We Do
Good for Kids, Good for Life supports early childhood education and care (ECEC) services and family day care service providers in the Hunter New England region to implement health promoting practices in line with the Munch & Move program.
Our work is focused on the following 6 key messages
Encourage and support breastfeeding
Choose water as a drink
Choose healthier snacks
Eat more fruit and vegetables
Get active each day
Turn off the screen and get active
We provide support in a number of ways
Lara Went from Yukul Art created this artwork for Good for Kids, Good for Life. The title of this artwork is called 'The heart of a child'.
The heart in the middle represents health, love and support surrounding everyone. Coming from the heart are lines which are positive energy radiating into the children which are the figures around the heart holding hands. The leaves represent physical activity and the fruit represents healthy eating. The circles that almost look like stars represent community groups and people coming together in support, positive guidance, love and good energy.
You will see this artwork featured throughout the Good for Kids, Good for Life communication.